Information sharing
The Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board (DSAB) has in place an information sharing agreement (ISA) in relation to safeguarding adults. This agreement was signed-off by Board members in December 2018. The agreement is attached to this page.
A guide called 'Safeguarding adults: sharing information' is available from the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE). It is part of a range of products to support implementation of the adult safeguarding aspects of the Care Act 2014. Registration with SCIE may be required to download some documents.
The Derbyshire and Derby City Safeguarding Adults Boards have jointly developed a Z card for staff with regard to information sharing. Copies of the Z card can be requested by emailing but a summary of key information from the card follows.
Sharing information without consent
You can share information relating to abuse, without consent from the person:
- if the person lacks capacity to make the decision (Mental Capacity Act 2005)
- for the prevention and investigation of crime (Crime and Disorder Act 1998)
- to prevent serious harm/distress or threat to life (Data Protection Act 2018)
- if there is a risk to others / children
- if the person is under duress, coercion or undue influence
- if staff are implicated
- domestic abuse which meets the MARAC threshold
- if there is a court order/other legal authority in place instructing you to do so
- where the alleged abuser has care and support needs and may be at risk
Recording information in the case file
If you share information without consent, you must record the following information on the person’s case file:
- Why? What is your concern and reason for overriding consent?
- when? Date and time you shared the information?
- legal basis for overriding consent
- How? In what format you have shared the information such as verbally or in writing?
- What? Exactly what information have you shared?
In cases where a crime is occurring or someone is in need of immediate medical or police assistance please contact emergency services tel: 999.