Professional curiosity
Professional curiosity is looking, listening, asking questions, checking out information, and reflecting on information received. It means being curious and seeking clarity around a situation, bringing together information from different sources to gain a better understanding of a person’s circumstances and level of risk.
Applying professional curiosity can help practitioners to identify the less obvious signs of abuse and neglect.
A recurring theme within Derbyshire Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) is a need for professional curiosity to be applied when safeguarding adults who have care and support needs.
Key principles of professional curiosity:
- do not make assumptions
- have an awareness of your own personal bias and how may affect the way you view a set of circumstances.
- remain open minded
- obtain information from different sources rather than taking information from one source at face value
- ensure you have an understanding of the person's past history
- ask clear questions in a respectful manner
- challenge the information you are being given if contradicts with what you have seen
Professional curiosity resources
The Safeguarding Adults Boards Manager Network has produced a suite a resources called 'Have you thought about professional curiosity?', which is attached to this page.