Safeguarding podcasts
Podcasts are a quick and easy way to listen to topics of interest at a time to suit you.
Please note, that the Vulnerable Adult Risk Management (VARM) podcasts were recorded before the process changed name to Multiagency Adult Risk Management (MARM) process from 1 January 2025. This is a change of name only and the process remains the same, although the content and process discussed are still relevant.
There are currently 17 podcasts available:
- Domestic abuse (part 1)
- Domestic abuse (part 2)
- Financial abuse
- Making safeguarding personal (part 1)
- Making safeguarding personal (part 2)
- Mental Capacity Act introduction
- Mental capacity and how to assess it
- Best interests
- Protection for healthcare and treatment actions
- Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Deprivation of Liberty
- Prevent (29 October 2015)
- Self-neglect (part 1)
- Self-neglect (part 2)
- VARM – what is VARM?
- VARM – case study
Additional podcasts will continue to be produced on a range of safeguarding subjects.
Download the podcasts
NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board podcasts.