Multiagency Adult Risk Management (MARM)
The Vulnerable Adult Risk Management (VARM) process has changed name to Multiagency Adult Risk Management (MARM) process from 1 January 2025. Please ensure that your colleagues and teams are aware and refer to the process using the new name of Multiagency Adult Risk Management (MARM).
In 2013 the Derbyshire Safeguarding Adults Board agreed the need for a process to manage risks which may arise within specific circumstances when working with adults deemed to have capacity to make decisions for themselves, but who are at risk of serious harm or death through:
- self-neglect (Care Act 2014)
- risk taking behaviour/chaotic lifestyles or
- refusal of services
The MARM is a multi-agency adult assessment risk management process to:
- identify the relevant risks for the individual
- discuss and agree agency responsibilities/actions
- record, monitor and review progress with the agreed action plan
- agree when the risks have been managed and evaluate the outcome
The aim of the MARM policy and practice guidance is to provide professionals with useful information and a framework to facilitate effective multi-agency working with adults who are at significant risk. The MARM policy, practice guidance and meeting record template are attached to this page.
MARM What to Expect leaflet
This leaflet will help the service user understand that MARM stands for Multiagency Adult Risk Management and why a MARM meeting has been arranged. There is a section in the leaflet for the service user to write down their views, wishes and feelings, and it can be used as a way for service users to contribute to the MARM process if they do not wish to attend the meeting, or to support discussion at the meeting if they do attend. Where possible, the leaflet should be shared with the service user at the start of the process. The leaflet is attached to this page.
MARM podcasts
Please note that these podcasts make reference to the Vulnerable Adult Risk Management (VARM) process as they were recorded prior to the change of name of the process to Multiagency Adult Risk Management (MARM), although the content and process discussed are still relevant.
To help clarify the VARM process in Derbyshire there are 2 podcasts - What is VARM? and VARM Case Study - which have been collaboratively produced and explain how the process works, citing examples based on real cases. You can also watch the VARM podcasts in British Sign language format.
However, we would encourage professionals to read the MARM policy and practice guidance along with a flowchart, referral form and the other documentation you will need.
MARM hoarding grant
The MARM hoarding grant is funded by Derbyshire County Council, NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board and Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service. It is linked to the MARM process and can be accessed with agreement from MARM Chairs to provide practical support for service users who are in a MARM process. These funds are only available when no other funding is possible and in exceptional circumstances.
MARM hoarding grant funding will be available for the financial year 2024 to 2025 and applications will be considered from 1 April 2024. The MARM hoarding grant application form and guidance, along with a list of benevolent funds and charitable funding are attached to this page.